Charge Point Calculator

Ladepunktsberegner rapport

Foto: Lars Rønbøg

The tool and the report (to the right) introduce an improved calculation on the need for charge points in Danish municipalities, towns and cities, than previously introduced by the report "Sådan skaber Danmark grøn infrastruktur til én million elbiler” from 2019 made by the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and Danish e-Mobility. They do so by using newer and larger sets of data, which improve the prognosis. Furthermore, the tool gives the municipalities an opportunity to apply the tool themselves to their own towns and cities.


The purpose of this calculating tool is to give the municipalities a tool to develop targets for their charging infrastructure strategies. Further, these targets can be included in the dialogue between local grid companies in relation to the capacity required by the grid to support the necessary charging infrastructure. 

Among the most important updates to the calculations are:

  • Charging need is calculated on town level and the need for charge points in the municipality is the sum of the municipalities' towns. 
  • The charging per charge point per day is updated. 
  • A description of the potential in housing associations and workplaces that directly affects the need for public charging. 
  • New and improved data. 

The results of the tool are still object for statistical insecurities and should be seen as a conservative (minimum) estimate of the need for charging infrastructure in Danish municipalities. The new report and tool are developed by DTU, Hybrid Greentech, COWI and Danish e-Mobility. 

Please note that the report is in Danish.